小朋友當天一到Sesame Street, 映入眼簾的是繽紛萬聖旗及變妝的Big Bird, Elmo 及Cookie Monster
上了2樓, minion, witch, pumpkin fairy, ghost and elf 已經等不及和大家狂歡了!
“Everybody! Are you ready for the games?” “Yes!!”
“Are you ready for the haunted house? “ “Yes!”
“Do you want to get a lot of candies?” “Yes!”
Let’s count down for the Halloween party!
10- 9- 8- 7- 6- 5- 4- 3- 2- 1 Go!
1st stop: Fishing Fun
“Yes! I caught the ghost!” 要將魔鬼釣上勾需要沈穏的技術唷!
2nd stop: Super IQ
“Who rides a broomstick on Halloween?”
“Number 4!! Witch!!”
3rd stop: Haunted House
“I want to go home! I want my mommy” Kyle said.
4th stop: Who am I ?
“I am a vampire! I am the winner!” 快! 快! 快! 趕快在關主指定的時間內完成變裝即可過關唷!
5th stop: Balloon Stomp
Everyone is your enemy! Stomp their balloons!
Let’s see whose balloons last till the end and survive!
6th stop: Halloween Matching
Where is the ghost? Where is jack-o-lantern? Quick! You are running out of the time!
換獎品嘍! 螢光飛盤一個~I love fluorescent frisbee!
It’s time to go trick or treating!
“Candies! We want candies! We want candies!”
Spooky Halloween
Look! It's time to go trick or treating!
第一站:Fire Station
S: Trick or treat
Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat
If you don't, I don't care
I will give you a big big scare
Fireman:OK! OK! I will give you guys many candies. Don't scare me~~~
Candies! Give me some candies~~~~~~
哇!!! 各位小魔鬼成功要到非常多糖果 超開心!!! YA
嘿~!!! 看我們的厲害!~~~ Trick or treat~!!! 繼續往下一站搗蛋去囉~~!
En-Ting的糖果都要滿出來囉~~!! 哈哈哈
YA!!! 收穫滿滿滿~~~~ 嘿嘿繼續下一站要糖趣:)
Thank you so much~! Happy Halloween
嘿嘿嘿~!! 原本小惡魔們要搗蛋的, 但是遇到漂亮姊姊~~
所以就乖乖地有禮貌說聲Happy Halloween!
YA!! 姊姊們給了非常多的糖果!~~
Carol: I love candies!!
哈哈哈~~~ 大家都滿載而歸:)
YA!!!! 遊街要糖趣大成功!
2014 Spooky Halloween Party 圓滿落幕!
沿路還有同學說: 好希望下一個萬聖節快快來唷!
Yes! We can't wait for the next year's Halloween!