
2009 Happy Halloween!!High 翻天搞鬼趣!!


活動開始的時間是7:00PM, 不過熱情興奮的小朋友們,在6點左右就迫不及待的請爸爸媽媽快快帶他們來到芝蔴街!陸陸續續出現的有-小小超人, 迷你蜘蛛人,蝙蝠俠,小小吸血鬼, 白雪公主, 美麗小天使,壞巫婆,獨眼俠客,小小南瓜人…..等,他們全部都到芝蔴街來集合啦!!


搞怪大頭拍區,小朋友們使出渾身解數搞怪扮鬼臉(Make a funny face),在大頭拍區票選出前5名最有特色及最搞怪的小朋友,將獲得芝蔴街的精美抱枕及多功能資料夾!!

變裝的紅俠客Big Bird, 南瓜怪獸Cookie Monster及魔術師Elmo!!

Aren't we spooky!?

I am a little wizard!!

I am the wild cat!! Meow~~ Meow~~ Meow~~

前往2F,平常最熟悉的櫃台老師Sherry及上課教室全部都不見了!!令人大開眼界的是,門口站著兩個大大的樹精靈,櫃台則變成了音樂站Music Station,海賊王Teacher Charles 可是今晚的最酷的Music DJ!! 而且原本上方白色的燈光,竟變成了奇幻紫光!小朋友們都覺得眼睛為之一亮!!嘖嘖稱奇呢!!

Pirate- Teacher Charles!! Cute Girl- Teacher Jennifer!! Ghost- Teacher Robin!! Super Big Elf- Teacher Joesph!!

領取完闖關卡後,小朋友們各顯身手迅速過關,7個關卡成功完成闖關者,將可兌換”Glow Bracelet夜間炫光手環一只!! 晚上遊街Trick or Treat可是最炫的行頭哦!!

Halloween "Yes" or "No"!!Question: "Kids take watermelon to go trick or treating."; Answer: "NO!!!!!"

"Spell it out!!" Who's the fastest one to spell out "pumpkin"??

"Shake!!Shake!!" Try to use the rope tied on your waist to fish the right pumpkin!

"Matching Fun!!"

"Puzzle Master!!" - The picture is Jack-o'- Lantern!!

"Haunted House" - You won't dare to give it a try!!

8:10pmTrick or Treat遊街要糖的活動準時開跑嘍!聲勢浩大的要糖隊伍共A, B, C三隊,由老師帶著芝麻街的大旗引導,分別到臨近的商家Trick or Treat,小朋友們大聲唱著~喊著~

Trick or treat!!

Smell my feet!!

Give me something good to eat!!

If you don't, I don't care!!

I will give you a big scare!!

商家裡的叔叔阿姨們準備了好多好多的Candies給芝蔴街的小朋友!! 這個時候才發現,只有兩隻手可是拿不下的哦 ~ 聰明有經驗的小朋友,準備了糖果袋或糖果筒,將大把大把的糖果裝的滿滿的帶回家!! 

What an exciting Halloween at Sesame Street !!



We got lots of candies!! Yeah!!

The owner of the restaurant kindly prepared lots of candies for Sasame Street kids!!

"The Heavy Motorcycle Shop"----We will play a trick on you if you don't give us candies!!! Ha ~ Ha~

"The Watch and Clock shop"- Kids lined up to get candies!

The "Foot Massage" - It's so great to have candies everywhere!!

We had a lot of fun going trick or treating!!!

Thanks for all the teachers' hard work and great efforts!!

More pictures??? 想看更多芝蔴街2009 Happy Halloween 的精采照片嗎?請至!!
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