2012芝蔴街美語競賽活動於今年的5月開跑, 6月底進行班際複賽, 8/11(六)進行總決賽, 當天參與總決賽的每一位同學, 各個都是來頭不小, 實力堅強的高手呢!!
這些參賽者, 都是從競爭激烈的班級初賽, 班際複賽2階段甄選中, 脫穎而出, 進入到最後的總決賽!! 可以說~~這次的比賽可是令大家引頸期盼, 拭目以待!!
現在, 就讓我們帶著大家一起來回顧8/11當天的精彩實況吧!! Let's Go!
快看!!我們都是學習美語1~2年的 beginners !! 看我們又唱又跳的…是不是很厲害也很可愛呢?在場的每一位觀眾都對我們的好表現報以熱烈的掌聲呢!!
James said, "I don't have a toothache, I don't have a stomachache. My headache and my sorethroat are all gone! I feel great!!"
Iris has a very cute little sister-Kitty. She is only 4 months old!
Abby's good friends are Iris and Angel. They like to learn and play together.
"Every day is a wonderful day!!" Katelin said.
Farmer Henry has a farm! Look! The cows, the horses, the lambs and ducks are all there!!
Angel is selling vegetables. Angel sells them hard with loud loud sounds. Angel loves to have them all year round.
Hamilton took us to the baseball game and he made a home run!Yeah!
Sunny's birthday is on 8/11. His birthday wish-"All my family and friends will be happy and healthy forever!"
Hanny danced beautifully. "Stretch your arms! One! Two! Three! Move your body! One! Two! Three! "
我們每一個人都是說故事高手哦!! 精彩的故事再加上生動活潑的肢體動作,好聽又有趣!!
Jennifer said, "Go away!! Go away!! Big bad wolf!!"
Jacky told us when someone says something bad because they are jealous, it is a case of "SOUR GRAPES".
Angela took us to a wonderful robots' world.
"Jimmy learned a big lesson from his mistakes" Honey told us an interesting story about Jimmy.
Michael had a very scary night! It was terrible!!
Una said, " Sometimes, a little friend can bring big help!"
Tina talked about the hen, the fox and the dog's funny story!
C級大家各出奇招~道具服裝通通來!!欣賞我們的演講, 可說是聽覺和視覺的雙重享受呢!!
Alan guided us to know a lot of famous NBA players including Jeremy Lin!
Jeffery talked about why "Honesty is the best policy"!
Bella talked about why sweet home is so important to everyone.
Dora acted as Nightingale and talked about her life story.
Betty talked about a greedy worm and what had happened to the worm.
Eva introduced the idea of couch surfing and it was free!!
Dr. Jerry taught us to take good care of ourselves!
Kelly took us to an interesting Doll Festival in Japan! Isn't her kimono lovely?
D級的演講比賽最是競爭激烈了! 現場竟然出現了台灣小吃、手相大師、純手工還會發光的機器人!! How cool!!
Wendy took us to explore the mysterious Eygpt!
Emily talked about 10 things that Jeremy Lin taught us.
Dr. Andy showed us his robot inventions- Golden Foot, Sweetie and Transformer!
Anita had a lot of fun at Disneyland!
Judy talked about extreme sports. She said, "I want to try bungee jumping"!
Angel brought a lot of famous Taiwanese snacks. They are so tasty and decilious!
Boulder talked about superstitious beliefs and they surprised everyone!
Tweety explained the palm lines and said that they might tell us something about our future!
最後最後, the last surprise!! 感謝Maggie、Kelly、Andy帶來的勁歌熱舞秀"Celebrate"!! 可是全場叫好又叫座呢!!
2012 Sesame Street English Contest 圓滿落幕~再次感謝所有的參與人員,也恭喜各組得獎同學, 更要肯定每一個參賽者最最最棒的表現!!
You are best of the best!!
- Aug 16 Thu 2012 16:02
2012 Sesame Street English Contest -比賽實況篇